<h2>ACCOUNTING OFFOCE - ELENI XRISTOPOULOU </h2><p>Nikolaou Skiada 25A, Gargaliani, Messinia, Greece</p><div class='bgslideshowmore'><a href='http://www.xristopouloueleni.4ty.gr/more.php?l=en' >More...</a></div> <h2>SERVICES FOR INDIVIDUALS</h2><p>Tax declarations, cadastre services, labor issues</p><div class='bgslideshowmore'><a href='http://www.xristopouloueleni.4ty.gr/more2.php?l=en' >More...</a></div> <h2>BUSINESS STRATUPS</h2><p>Proper and timely updating of all tax books, tax computerized and other issues</p><div class='bgslideshowmore'><a href='http://www.xristopouloueleni.4ty.gr/more3.php?l=en' >More...</a></div>
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We are always at your disposal for both usual and more complex assumptions and provide the most effective solutions. The Accounting and Tax Office of Eleni Christopoulou undertakes to safeguard the interests of every citizen who is required to deal with a range of tax issues through advice and study programs.

The offered services for tax affairs of individuals concern:

  • The drafting of income tax forms E1, E2
  • The exact income tax settlement prior to the submission of the statement
  • The electronic submission of statements and the immediate issuance of the tax returns
  • The drafting and electronic submission of Form E9
  • Compilation and submission of applications for benefits and subsidies
  • Compilation and electronic submission of the Cadastre forms
  • The drawing up of private contracts of all kinds
  • Earnings control



Our office and our partners are always at your disposal for questions and advice. Do not hesitate to contact us at +30 27630 22828.